Jane-Maarja Hansen
Jane-Maarja Hansen

Children’s yoga teacher

Email: janehingelill@gmail.com
Phone: 53447136
Area: Nõmme

Information for classes:
Laste Jooga Kuukiir

Classes for children aged:
3 – 9
6 – 10

My name is Jane-Maarja Hansen, my yoga name is Param Simran Kaur, which means the lion princess who walks with the power of love through life, holding her mind and heart and with her gift can also guide you. What do we live of in this world? I think the answer is joy. What is joy? It’s that feeling, that grows out of us into a wonderful flower, if we just let it grow. What does joy “live of”? If we are satisfied with ourselves and know what we want. Very often many of us don’t know this. Then we start looking for joy, the feeling of bliss, and the emotion, which would make us feel content and transform us into satisfied and happy people. In order for the flower not to wither but to grow into a wonderfully smelling essence, it is necessary to already give ourselves in childhood the best possible choices and knowledge on the path of being a human. The best gift I have received from my mother is to listen to my heart and I have passed down this knowledge onto our children. Too often we don’t listen to our heart, because we have sealed it with a hundred locks and thrown away the key. Today we have reached an age where we now need the necessary tools so that our hearts do not close, but shine bright like a diamond as a delicate flower. Yoga is a wonderful tool to help our hearts shine.

Children are like sponges that absorb all knowledge energetically and manifest it in their bodies immediately, this means they need an inspirational environment to stretch, grow, play and have fun in. My basic yoga knowledge comes from home, where we always started our day with a refreshing cold shower and opening our bodies’ meridians. My mother spoke with the language of love through deevas of flowers and nature – this experience has helped be stay anchored through all of life’s painful trials. Still, I believe that we all have our own path and truth to find. I am grateful that I have chosen the family I have and that the Creator had blessed me in this way. The inner desire to give back to the world has made me into a Kundalini yoga teacher, children’s yoga teacher, floral therapist, reiki healer and channel, women’s power circle instructor, eco-beautician and over all  enjoyer of beauty. This year the children’s yoga room “Kuukiir” (Moonbeam) came to life. With its radiance children have been able to have fun on “Yoga days”, “Day of Robotics” at Kultuurikatel, Yoga festival and NGO Saagu Valgus (Let there be light). The warmest and most beloved moments are with my own home village community people, young and old, for whom I have organized family days and other beautiful events and gatherings. Children are our life’s miracles, I feel this in the inner child in mea and in our own children. We learn to created, to remember again, all the time, every time!

Mulle meeldib väga, et õpetaja läheneb tunnile loominguliselt ja lapsed saavad joosta ning rahmeldada. Samas ei puudu tunnist traditsioonilised jooga poosid, juba varakult saab põnn aimu jooga põhitõdedest. Tunni algus, kus lapsed istuvad ringis ning igaühel on võimalus rääkida oma nädalast ja sellest, kuidas neil on läinud, on väga teraapiline. Laps tuleb joogatunnist koju rahulikuna ja puhanuna. 🙂


Minu tütar Mia ütleb, et talle meeldib tunnis teha konna, lõvi ja teisi asju. Meeldivad mängud ja jooga muusika. Tihti palub ta hommikul lasteaeda sõites panna mängima lastejooga laulude plaadi. Olles käinud aastakese lastejoogas, hakkas Mia suvel ka kodus poose võtma. Küsisin, et mis sa teed? Vastuseks sain, et kas sa ei näe, jooga puud! Mia oli siis vaid kolmeaastane.

Natalia Laaneväli

Laps õpib joogas pöörama tähelepanu väliselt sisemisele, see ongi jooga põhieesmärk. On väga hea kui sellega tehakse algust juba varakult. Laste puhul on oluline, et laps saab joogast esimese positiivse kogemuse: tore õpetaja, rahulik, mänguline ja pisut eriline olemine. Isegi kui järg peaks vahepeal kaduma, on selle kogemuse põhjal hiljem lihtsam ja loomulikum jooga juurde tagasi tulla.

Minu lastel tekkis selge seos joogaõpetaja ja majaga, kus tunnid toimusid. See oli nende jaoks nagu üks eriline maailm ja tihti, kui sealt mööda sõidame, küsivad nad ikka õpetaja kohta ning meenutavad tema tunde laia naeratusega. Püüame sel aastal jälle ka pisut regulaarsemalt tundides käima hakata. Joogaga on see hea asi, et see ei sea sulle tingimusi ja ootab sind alati tagasi.

Yoko Alender
“Soovitan väga seda kursust, sest: 1. oma emakeeles 2. saab palju teadmisi Kundalini joogast 3. enesearenguks suurepärane kursus 4. et mõista paremini lapsi… ja iseennast.”
Klarika Varik

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