Kristel Paimla
Kristel Paimla


Phone: 521 6525
Spiritual name: MANAVJEET KAUR

My official profession for many years has been as a lawyer. I became a mother in 2005 and yoga became a part of life in 2010, when I was pregnant with my third child Luukas. At the time the doctors did not predict the brightest future for him. Initially, I only attended yoga classes for pregnant women, taught by Mexican teacher Sukhdev Kaur. I went to these classes to help quiet my mind, which was buzzing like a hornets nest; to support the mental and physical development of my then unborn child; and to go through all sorts of difficulties of life with dignity while experiencing courage, happiness, inner peace, security, balance and myself as an infinite being. Since this all did happen to me, I gained a profound respect towards Kundalini Yoga and my interest even deeper – how was it possible that just by doing some exercises and meditations I could completely change my world, my being, my soul, myself.

In short, once I was ready, life quickly directed me to my next milestone, which was the Karam Kriya Kundalini Yoga teachers school, where I begun my journey on becoming a Kundalini yoga teacher under the guidance of world renouned Kundalini Yoga teachers such as Shiv Charan Singh, Ram Singh, Jivan Mukta Singh, Meherbani Kaur, Sat Darshan Kaur and many more. Since I had known for years that one day I would start engaging with children’s yoga – I began officially training to become a children’s yoga teacher in the summer of 2011. My biggest role models and teachers on this path have been German children’s yoga teachers Atma Singh and Siri Gopal Kaur. Today I have unofficially practiced children’s yoga since my daughter was born, so that makes it over 10 years now.

Occasionally, I tend to laugh and say that some day I will be the Minister of Education and then make children’s and youth’s yoga a part of the national kindergarten and school curricula (even if it’s just once a week as part of the physical education classes). The reason being that yoga affects children in an extremely positive way – through yoga every person becomes happier, calmer, more confident, healthier, more creative, aware, more confident, more intelligent, becomes more in contact with themselves and the primal source of life. And this will also happen to You if you choose yoga 🙂

Anyway, it is my great honor and pleasure that I came across the world of yoga, and among other things I can be Your teacher and evolve with You or Your child on this wonderful journey.

In addition, I have studied at the Gordon family school and the Holistic Therapy Institute (1st course), participated in the Brandon Bays The Journey Intensive, Manifest Abundance and the Bettina Hallifax Journey for Children seminars and workshops.

At the end of 2015 I participated as a teacher in the children’s yoga teacher training based on Kundalini Yoga, where after 160 hours and under the guidance of 10 other teachers 18 wonderful people from all over Estonia became children’s yoga teachers. In 2016 another 22 people became children’s yoga teachers after completing a 4-month and 200-hour course under the teachings and guidance of Sukhdev Kaur Khalsa, Katre Rajuri, Ave Palu, Erki Kaikkonen, Kalev Klaar, Merilin Tamme, Liis Luik and myself.

PS! Since 2011 I have been teaching Kundalini Yoga classes for adults every Tuesday (5.30PM – 7PM) at the Tallinn Chamber of Disabled People. As the number of participants that can take part is limited, please write me an e-mail if you are interested in coming to my class –

Light and love!

Always Yours,

Kristel Manavjeet Kaur*

*My spiritual name Manavjeet Kaur comes from combining my first and last name and my birth date. It means the victorious princess of God, who always successfully goes though all difficulties and challenges of life whist staying in contact with her primal source.

Mulle meeldib väga, et õpetaja läheneb tunnile loominguliselt ja lapsed saavad joosta ning rahmeldada. Samas ei puudu tunnist traditsioonilised jooga poosid, juba varakult saab põnn aimu jooga põhitõdedest. Tunni algus, kus lapsed istuvad ringis ning igaühel on võimalus rääkida oma nädalast ja sellest, kuidas neil on läinud, on väga teraapiline. Laps tuleb joogatunnist koju rahulikuna ja puhanuna. 🙂


Minu tütar Mia ütleb, et talle meeldib tunnis teha konna, lõvi ja teisi asju. Meeldivad mängud ja jooga muusika. Tihti palub ta hommikul lasteaeda sõites panna mängima lastejooga laulude plaadi. Olles käinud aastakese lastejoogas, hakkas Mia suvel ka kodus poose võtma. Küsisin, et mis sa teed? Vastuseks sain, et kas sa ei näe, jooga puud! Mia oli siis vaid kolmeaastane.

Natalia Laaneväli

Laps õpib joogas pöörama tähelepanu väliselt sisemisele, see ongi jooga põhieesmärk. On väga hea kui sellega tehakse algust juba varakult. Laste puhul on oluline, et laps saab joogast esimese positiivse kogemuse: tore õpetaja, rahulik, mänguline ja pisut eriline olemine. Isegi kui järg peaks vahepeal kaduma, on selle kogemuse põhjal hiljem lihtsam ja loomulikum jooga juurde tagasi tulla.

Minu lastel tekkis selge seos joogaõpetaja ja majaga, kus tunnid toimusid. See oli nende jaoks nagu üks eriline maailm ja tihti, kui sealt mööda sõidame, küsivad nad ikka õpetaja kohta ning meenutavad tema tunde laia naeratusega. Püüame sel aastal jälle ka pisut regulaarsemalt tundides käima hakata. Joogaga on see hea asi, et see ei sea sulle tingimusi ja ootab sind alati tagasi.

Yoko Alender
“Soovitan väga seda kursust, sest: 1. oma emakeeles 2. saab palju teadmisi Kundalini joogast 3. enesearenguks suurepärane kursus 4. et mõista paremini lapsi… ja iseennast.”
Klarika Varik

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